Fanghao Chen

I'm a an Assistant Professor of Economics in the School of Economics at Jinan University.



Also find me: Google Scholar, Zhihu.


I’m fortuante to have my training supervised by Xiaobo Zhang (Guanghua School of Management at Peking University & International Food Policy Research Institute) and Loren Brandt (University of Toronto). I’m also working with Gilles Duranton (Wharton School of University of Pennsylvania & London School of Economics and Political Science & CEPR), Denggao Long (Tsinghua University), Ruichi Xiong (Wuhan University), Zhongchen Fan (Xi’an Jiaotong University), Bin Xie (Jinan University), Jiancheng Li (Guangdong University of Foreign Studies), Jingjing Ye (Zhongnan University of Economics and Law), Lixin Colin Xu (Cheung Kong School of Business), Shihe Fu (Wuhan University) and many other aspirational young scholars.

I’m affiliated with Center for Enterprise Research at Peking University and co-supervise Enterprise Survey for Innovation and Entrepreneurship in China (ESIEC), a project aiming to maintain and update a random-sampled and national-representative longitude data set of small-and-medium-sized enterprises (SME) and their entrepreneurs in China in regard to SMEs’ start-ups, operation, performance, and growth.

I’m interested in working with more scholars and Ph.D. students who share similar interests or can access unique data sets to develop new research projects.